Adjust the ZIndex on a div through interactive clicking

For my new project, I'm exploring a concept inspired by Windows 7. The idea is that when you double click on an icon, a window will open. If you keep double clicking on the same icon, multiple windows should appear. The challenge I'm facing is implementing the z-index functionality to ensure that the clicked window comes to the front among others. Currently, the code only allows one window to open upon clicking an icon, and subsequent clicks do not trigger any action.

let pc = document.getElementById('pc')
// Remaining JavaScript code...
// CSS styles...
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    // Head content...
    // HTML structure...


Answer №1

If you want to enhance the functionality, try incorporating a class named "active" with a z-index of 2. Then, set up an eventListener on the window that includes the addition of the "active" class.

To visualize this concept, I created a Fiddle:

In my CSS, I introduced a class known as "active"

/* include this class */
.active {
  z-index: 2;

Subsequently, in JavaScript, I included the following code:

// This snippet makes the window active
newWindow.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (document.querySelector(".active")) {
// End of the snippet

Whenever a window is clicked, any pre-existing "active" class gets removed. Following that, the selected window receives the "active" class designation.

Answer №2

Implementing dynamic z-index values

To achieve this dynamically, one approach is to maintain a global variable named zIndexCounter initialized to 0 at the start (or any other starting value of your choice). Whenever a new window is created, assign it a z-index value equal to the current counter value, then increment the counter.

This method guarantees that each subsequent window will always have a higher z-index compared to the previous one.

Answer №3

I came up with an alternative approach without using z-index. Instead, I created an array to manage the order of opened windows. When a window is clicked, it moves to the end of the array, ensuring it appears on top of other windows. The old windows are removed and replaced with the rearranged new windows.

You could also incorporate zIndex, but based on my process, it's unnecessary.

windows.forEach((elem) => body.appendChild(elem)); // add rearranged windows to page

Additionally, you can include the following code snippet inside the forEach loop:

windows.forEach((elem, i) => { = i;
}); // add rearranged windows to page

/* Also make sure to add this in the double-click function */ = len();

I made quite a few modifications throughout the code:

  1. Applied the class .new_window to simplify the selection of windows opened via double click.

  2. Eliminated redundant functions, elements, and classes within the JavaScript, HTML, and CSS sections.

// JavaScript Code
const items = [{
    icon: document.getElementById("pc"),
    class: "pcwindow",
    html: `<input class="b" type="button"><img id="setting" src="content/img/Settings-Icon-Graphics-15383788-1-580x374.jpg" style="width: 130px;height: 100px; margin-left: 15px;"><img id="folder2" src="content/img/folder2.png" style="width: 100px;height: 100px; margin-left: 15px;">`
    icon: document.getElementById("folder"),
    class: "folderwindow",
    html: `<input class="b" type="button"><img id="pic" class="folderwindow" src="content/img/pic.png" style="width: 100px;height: 100px; margin-left: 15px;"><img id="f2" src="content/img/folder2.png" style="width: 100px;height: 100px; margin-left: 15px;">`
    icon: document.getElementById("bin"),
    class: "binwindow",
    html: `<input class="b" type="button"><img id="f3" src="content/img/folder2.png" style="width: 100px;height: 100px; margin-left: 15px;"><img id="f4" src="content/img/folder2.png" style="width: 100px;height: 100px; margin-left: 15px;">`
const body = document.querySelector("body");

// Get the current number of windows
const len = () => document.querySelectorAll(".new_window").length;

// Move the clicked window to the top
const toTop = (e) => {
  let windows = [...document.querySelectorAll(".new_window")]; 
  if (windows.length <= 1) return; 
  windows.forEach((elem) => elem.remove()); 
  windows.push(windows.splice(windows.indexOf(, 1)[0]); 
  windows.forEach((elem) => body.appendChild(elem)); 
const closeWindow = (e) => {;
items.forEach((d) => {
  d.icon.addEventListener("dblclick", () => {
    let window = document.createElement("div");
    window.className = `d new_window ${d.class}`;
    window.innerHTML = d.html; = "block"; = `${25 + 25 * len()}px`; = "100px";
    window.addEventListener("click", toTop);
    window.querySelector(".b").addEventListener("click", closeWindow);
// CSS Code
body {
  background-image: url(img/150-1509609_hd-abstract-wallpaper-neon-smoke-71-images-colorful.jpg);
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-size: cover;
  margin: 0;

.folder {
  width: 80px;
  height: 80px;
<!-- HTML Markup -->
<div class="pc">
  <img id="pc" class="d pc" src="content/img/Gabriel-Leblanc-Historic-Mac-Mac.512.png" alt="">
<div id="folder" class="folder">
  <img class="folder" src="content/img/folder.png" alt="">

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