Unable to render Material Icons on Vue/Quasar web app hosted on Azure

I am facing an issue with my webapp built using Vue and Quasar. I added the necessary icon imports to my quasar-user-options.js file.

import '@quasar/extras/material-icons/material-icons.css'
import "@quasar/extras/material-icons-outlined/material-icons-outlined.css";

During local development, the icons show up correctly. However, once the web application is deployed to an Azure App Service, the icons are displayed as text.

I tried adding the required @font-face and googleMaterialIcons.woff2 files to the application, but I'm unsure about the correct location or if this is the right solution at all. Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

Answer №1

If you encounter issues with installing custom fonts in the App Service Sandbox, consider transitioning your app to a container environment. This will allow you to utilize the container image to successfully set up and manage the custom font installation.

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