Unable to choose anything within a draggable modal window

Can someone please assist me? I am struggling to figure this out. I can't select text inside the modal or click on the input to type text into it.

I suspect it may be due to z-index issues, but I'm having trouble locating them.

var currentZ = null,
baseZ = 1000,
maxZ = 2000;

For reference, here is an example: http://jsfiddle.net/emvc79sa/1/

This pertains to the directive angular-html-window

Answer №1

The reason for setting the directive author this way is unknown, however, your click actions are being affected by the following line:

Window.prototype = {

    _resizing: null,
    _moving: null,
    _restore: null,

    events: {
        wnd_mousedown: function(event) {
            event.preventDefault(); // this particular line

If you comment out the mentioned line, you will be able to highlight normally, but potential side effects cannot be ruled out.

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