How can you ensure that text inside a tag is styled as italic using font-style: italic and the !important keyword in HTML and CSS?

I've created an HTML site using chordpro.php generator, and the specific aspect related to this query is as follows:

<div class="song">
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class="songline">
<tr class="songlyricchord"><td></td><td>&nbsp;C </td><td>&nbsp;C7 </td></tr>
<tr class="songlyricline"><td>1. </td><td>Moje malé svetielko, chcem, aby svietilo. (</td>    <td>hey hey hey)</td></tr></table>

Below is the stylesheet being used:

( updated stylesheet content goes here )

The goal is to italicize the cell

<td>hey hey hey)</td>
in the HTML example.

I've attempted various methods like using

<td class="italic"></td>
, <i></i>,
<div class="italic"><td></td></div>
, and
<td style="font-style: italic !important;>
, but none have provided the desired result. Similar issues were faced with the class="white", which was resolved by using !important. However, using !important for class="italic" has not worked in this case.

Update: Here is a link to access HTML, CSS, and all relevant files.

Answer №1

To achieve a genuine italic font style, you must define an italic typeface in your @font-face rules. Currently, your rules are only referring to regular typefaces.

Answer №2

If you want to style certain elements in your table cells with italics, you can achieve this in a couple of ways. First, you can add a class like class="italic" to the td and apply the following CSS:

.songlyricline td.italic {
    font-style: italic;

If you prefer not to add a class, you can target the last child of the table row like this:

.songlyricline td:last-child {
    font-style: italic;

Ensure that the font you are using actually has an italic style available. You can test this by using a basic font-family and checking if the italics display correctly. If they do, consider switching to a different font for your website.

Update 1: If you have multiple @font-face declarations with the same font-family name, assign a new name specifically for the italic font:

@font-face {
    font-family: "italicfont";
    src: url("fonts/italic.woff") format('woff');
    font-style: italic;

Then, apply this new font-family to elements you want to display in italics:

.songlyricline td i {
    font-family: italicfont;

Test this method on your files to see if it works as expected. Give it a try!

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