Unable to apply 3rd condition with ngClass into effect

I've been attempting to incorporate a third condition into my ngClass. Initially, I managed to get two classes working in my ngClass to change the row colors alternately.

[ngClass]="{ totalrow:i%2 != 0, odd:i%2 == 0}"

Now, I'm trying to introduce a third class and condition where the mat-list will display a border line at the top of the mat-list-item. However, upon adding the third condition, it's throwing an error.

[ngClass]="{ totalrow:i%2 != 0, odd:i%2 == 0, borderTopClass : operator === 'fas fa-equals'}"

When I make this addition, I encounter the following confusing error message:

Parser Error: Missing expected : at column 47 in [{ totalrow:i%2 != 0, odd:i%2 == 0, borderTopClass : operator === 'fas fa-equals'}] in

Below is the code with the ngFor loop:

<div class="ng-container" *ngFor="let operator of operatorList; let i = index">
        style="padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px;" 
        [ngClass]="{ totalrow:i%2 != 0, odd:i%2 == 0, borderTopClass   : operator === 'fas fa-equals'}">
            <i class="{{operator}}"></i>

Any assistance on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

It seems like further clarification is needed to explain how this code functions.

<div [ngClass]="{
  'is-active': condition,
  'is-inactive': !condition,
  'multiple': condition && anotherCondition,

The multiple class will only apply when both conditions are met, not just one or the other.

If you want to add a third condition, you can do so like this:

'multiple': condition && anotherCondition && thirdCondition

Here's a link to a StackBlitz where you can see the provided code in action without any errors. Let me know if you need any more assistance.

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