Improved efficiency in CSS for left transition animations

Here is the current code I am using:

.s2 {
  top: 150px;
  left: 20px;
  position: absolute;
  transition: left 300ms linear;

I am currently updating the left position dynamically using JavaScript based on scroll events. However, I have noticed that the performance is subpar on mobile devices and even desktop browsers.

Are there any suggestions for improving the performance of this code? Is there a more efficient approach to achieve the same functionality?

Answer №1

  • Try implementing throttling on scroll using requestAnimationFrame

  • Consider using properties like translate instead of left or top for smoother performance

  • Add translateZ(0) or translate3d(0,0,0) to potentially trigger GPU acceleration on mobile devices (results may vary)

In addition, if you are animating while scrolling, it might be unnecessary to use the transition property unless specific breakpoints are necessary based on scroll distance.

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