How is the height and width of the header determined?

When examining the theme by clicking "inspect element" on the green portion (<header> ), you will notice that the height and width properties have pixel values that change dynamically as the window is resized.

So, where do these values originate from?

For example, if I wanted to overlay something on top of it while ensuring it maintains the same height, how would I accomplish that?

Below are the specific values I'm referencing when inspected in chrome:

Answer №1

No magic involved here. What you see are the calculated Box Model styles, which change dynamically as you resize the window. If you inspect the styles of the <header> element, you will notice that it is a standard HTML5 <header> block element with an auto ("100%") default width (typical for block-level elements). Resizing the window will reflect the current calculated Element Size.

|    this is some long content here    |  
|                [IMAGE]               |  -- responsive width due to `width:auto;`
|             more nice text           |  -- height determined by content


|  this is  |  
|   some    |
|   long    |
|  content  |  -- responsive width due to `width:auto;`
|   here    |
|  [IMAGE]  |  
| more nice |  
|   text    |  -- height determined by content 

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