Establish the dimensions of the element to match the dimensions of a responsive image

Currently, I am working on implementing flippable images on my website. It is important to me that the "back" of these images matches the dimensions of the front image. The challenge I am facing is that I have applied the Bootstrap img-responsive class to my images, which means the dimensions of the "back" image need to adjust dynamically to align with the "front".

This is the approach I envision (although I understand that the CSS code provided is not feasible, it serves to demonstrate my objective). I am utilizing ng-animate for transitioning effects and revealing the initially hidden "back" while concealing the front (which I have successfully achieved).


<img class="front img-responsive" src="path/to/img.jpg" alt="">

<div class="back">Information about the image</div>


.back {
    height: [current height of .front]
    width: [current width of .front]

Answer №1

To retrieve the dimensions of an image with jQuery, you can use the following script to set them for a specified div:

<img class="front img-responsive" id="img" src="path/to/img.jpg" alt="">
<div class="back" id="info">Information about the image</div>

$(document).ready(function() {        
var img = document.getElementById('img');
var width = img.clientWidth;
var height = img.clientHeight;


Answer №2

Just stumbled upon v1.3+ which includes added support, not sure if this is how it will be utilized...

Check out the plunker demo =

<!DOCTYPE html>  
 <html ng-app>  
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">  
   <script src="//"></script>  
    .mydiv {  
     height: {{height}}px;  
     width: {{width}}px;  
     background-color: red;  
  <body style="width:100%;height:100%;">  
   <div class="mydiv" ng-init="height= 100; width=200">&
   h: {{height}} w: {{width}}  

Another example can be found here:

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