Persistent column menu in ag-grid

Is there a way to include a menu for each row within a sticky column in Ag-grid? I couldn't find any information about this feature in the official documentation, so I'm unsure if it's even possible. I've attempted several methods, but the menu always remains confined inside the sticky column wrapper. The only approach that seemed to work partially was by applying the following CSS: .ag-body-container .ag-row { z-index: 0; } .ag-ltr .ag-hacked-scroll .ag-pinned-right-cols-viewport { overflow: visible !important; } However, this caused issues with vertical scrolling. Here is an example of the column definitions used: [sample code here] And here is an example of the CSS styling applied for the menu: [sample CSS code here]

Answer №1

I have decided to completely shift away from the original idea of placing the menu within the cell.

Here is what I propose instead:

  • Place the menu outside the grid, hidden,
  • Retain the link within the cell (this will activate the menu later),
  • Add a click event to this link,
  • Create a universal class for the menu (since there will only be one menu with changing context),
    • This class will toggle the visibility of the menu,
    • It will also store the contextual data (such as information from your grid)
  • The click event on the links in the grid will include code to display the menu.

Here's an outline of the process: Please note that error handling has been omitted for brevity.

var gridMenu = function(selector) {
    var instance = this;
    instance.element = document.querySelector(selector);
    instance.context = null; // This can hold any relevant data based on your project

    // 'sender' refers to the link in your cell
    // 'context' represents your data (as mentioned above) = function(sender, context) {
        instance.context = context;
        // Alternatively, you could use instance.element.classList.add('some_class_to_make_menu_visible')
        // Consider adding positioning code here (valuable data may come from 'sender')

    instance.close = function () {
        instance.context = null; = 'none';
        // Another option is to remove the visibility class

    // Click events for menu items (useful if the menu involves more than just simple links)
    instance.menuItem1Click = function(e) {
         // Customize actions here
         // Call this at the end of each menu item's click event handler

    // ... Include additional click event handlers for other menu items (one per item)

    return instance;

// Instantiate your menu object somewhere in your 'document ready' script or during grid initiation
var menu = new gridMenu("#my_awesome_floating_menu");

This snippet demonstrates how to handle click events for links inside the grid:

function cellLinkClick(event) {
    var context = {}; // Prepare any necessary data to send to the menu, context);

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