Turn off hover effect using solely CSS

This is my first time posting on stackoverflow, so please excuse me if I overlook something obvious. I tried searching for a solution beforehand but couldn't find one that seemed relevant.

In the following jsfiddle example, I have a div that acts as a hover target to trigger some transitions on an <a> element.


Here's the HTML markup:

<div class="target">Target
  <a href="#" class="LightMe"><p>.LightMe</p></a>

And here is the corresponding CSS:

body {
  background-color: #099;
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;

  position: absolute;
  left: 40%;
  height: 100px;
  width: 200px;
  padding: 20px;
  background-color: #ccc;
  cursor: pointer;


a {
  display: block;
  position: relative;
  padding: 1px;
  border-radius: 15%;

a.LightMe {
  /*Starting state */
    background-color: white;
    top: -120px;
    left: -200px;
    height: 80px;
    width: 80px;
    z-index: 10;
    opacity: 0;
    transition:left 0.55s  ease, opacity .5s .7s ease;
    -webkit-transition:left 0.55s  ease, opacity .5s .7s ease;
    -o-transition:left 0.55s  ease, opacity .5s .7s ease;

.target:hover a.LightMe {
/*Ending state*/
  left: 80px;
  opacity: 1;
  transition:left 0.55s .7s ease, opacity .5s ease;
  -webkit-transition:left 0.55s .7s ease, opacity .5s ease;
  -o-transition:left 0.55s .7s ease, opacity .5s ease;

.target:hover {
    transition: background-color 500ms ease;
    -webkit-background-color 500ms ease;
    -o-background-color 500ms ease;
  1. Hover over the grey box labeled Target and back off again to see the transitions on the <a> element. It's doing what I want: opacity fades in during position delay, then it slides to the desired position. when moving out of the hover target, the <a> slides to it's original position, then opacity fades back out. All good so far.
  2. The issue arises when the user hovers over the hidden <a> element, triggering the same set of transitions, leading to unintended consequences.

I wish to prevent any response when hovering directly over the <a> element, ideally using only CSS.

I attempted adding explicit hover states to <a> and .LightMe to override this behavior, but with no success. (It could be due to incorrect selector syntax.)

I intentionally added the background-color transition to .target for testing purposes, which revealed that hovering over the <a> triggers the transitions of the parent .target div. This is where I hit a roadblock and decided to seek assistance.

I am delving into concepts beyond my current understanding, starting from what I know and working towards my goal. Here is the initial jsfiddle that served as my reference point (with credit to the original author):

Answer №1

To achieve the desired effect, consider initiating the 'top' position outside of the viewer port and sequencing the 'top' transition after the completion of the 'left' transition. By doing so, the <a> element will only become clickable once the left transition has begun.

For a demonstration, refer to: http://jsfiddle.net/Q9rfg/4/

This method can also be augmented by incorporating the sibling selector approach recommended by aorcsik.

Answer №2

Update: Here's another clever workaround - place a div outside the hover-sensitive element to cover the moving link. Take a look at this solution: http://jsfiddle.net/aorcsik/Q9rfg/2/

The issue with my original concept (see below) was that you couldn't click on the moving link because it would return to its original position once you moved out of the gray box. Additionally, the cursor changed over the hidden link.

To address this, consider removing the <a> from the gray box and placing it after, then referencing it in CSS using the sibling selector +.

.mainclass.subclass:hover + a.LightMe {
    /* ... */

This approach prevents the hover effect of the gray box when the link itself is hovered over, keeping everything within the realm of pure CSS.

This may complicate positioning slightly, so here's a fiddle for reference: http://jsfiddle.net/aorcsik/Q9rfg/1/

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