Troubleshooting problem with image dimensions when substituting png for svg

Hey there, I've encountered an issue with svg...

Currently, I'm utilizing the modernizr script as a backup for older IE versions to switch the svg to a png extension.

The hiccup I'm facing is that I'm using widths to manage the svg sizes:

<img src="img/testing.svg" width="200px">

(although in the future I'll be setting the width in CSS for media queries to allow it to scale up and down)

Right now, I have this modernizr script in place:

if(!Modernizr.svg) {
  $('img[src*="svg"]').attr('src', function() {
      return $(this).attr('src').replace('.svg', '.png');

Initially, it was working perfectly when I tested it in IE and it was swapping out the images without any issues. However, I did observe that if the png is "200px wide" and I've specified the svg version to be "400px wide" in my CSS - it's scaling up the png and causing blurriness.

My question is, how can I prevent the png from scaling up beyond its original size to avoid pixelation?

Or, is there a more efficient way to handle svg's and png fallbacks?

Thank you

Answer №1

It seems like you haven't shared your CSS code. Could it be possible that you have included img { max-width: 100%; } in your CSS?

If you want to stop PNG images from scaling, you can test the following code:

img[src$=".png"] {
  max-width: none;

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