Troubleshooting Issues with Mathematical Equations in SCSS File Using Angular CLI

I don't have much familiarity with the .scss syntax.

I am working with angular CLI and using the .scss extension for my css files.

My goal is to determine the background-color value conditionally.

@function getBgColor($value) {
    $modular: #{$value}%2;
    @debug $modular;
    @if($modular == 0) { 
        @return red;
    } @else {
        @return green;

@for $i from 0 through 25 {
    .mat-column-#{$i} {
        max-width: 178px;
        margin-right: 10px;
        background-color: getBgColor(#{$i})

The code works correctly when I try to print 2%2 without using a variable name.

However, when introducing a variable like in my case ($value), it simply prints 1%2, 2%2, 3%2 ... 25%2 without performing any calculations.

Answer №1

Attempting a mathematical operation on an interpolated value.

Replace the line below

$modular: #{$value}%2;


$modular: #{$value%2};

Keep me updated on your progress.

Answer №2

No need for interpolation in both cases, as you require a number rather than a string.
Additionally, the else condition can be omitted here.

This code snippet will meet your requirements:

@function getBackgroundColor($value) {
    $modulo: $value % 2;
    @if ($modulo == 0) { 
        @return red;
    @return green;

@for $i from 0 through 25 {
    .mat-column-#{$i} {
        max-width: 178px;
        margin-right: 10px;
        background-color: getBackgroundColor($i)

You can view the result on SassMeister.

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