Enhance the user experience by implementing a smooth transition effect when loading new pages

Recently, I've been exploring a method to load content from an external HTML file using AJAX on my website. While it's working well, I'm now interested in adding a page transition effect when the content changes. Specifically, I'd like the current content to slide out to the left, off the screen, while the new content slides in from the right when a new page is clicked. I'm not looking for a one-page solution, and I already know how to create a fading effect. Any tips or solutions for achieving this sliding effect would be greatly appreciated. Apologies for the newbie question!

Answer №1

If you are a new developer, using AJAX XMLHttpRequest() may not be the best choice due to the variations in how each browser implements it. Instead, I recommend utilizing jQuery's AJAX Framework with functions like $.ajax() or $.get(). In your situation, .load() could also be a good alternative to $.get().

Although you didn't provide your code (you should next time!), here is a simple example:


<ul class="menu">
   <li><a href="home.html">Home</a></li>
   <li><a href="about.html">About</a></li>
   <li><a href="services.html">Services</a></li>
<div id="contents">
 <!-- Place the loaded contents here -->


body {overflow-x:hidden;}
.loaded_content_wrapper { 


function loadContent(href){
    /* Create the content wrapper and append it to div#contents 
       then load the contents to the wrapper 
    $wrapper = $('<div>'); 
    $wrapper.addClass('loaded_content_wrapper').appendTo('#contents').load(href, function(){
        /* When the content is completely loaded 
           animate the new content from right to left 
           also the previous content slide to left and remove afterwards.
        $(this).animate({marginLeft:0}, 'slow').prev().animate({marginLeft:'-100%'}, 'slow', function(){
            $(this).remove(); //remove previous content once the animation is complete

    var href = $(this).attr('href');

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