Ways to adjust text color after clicking on an element

Just a heads up, I didn't write all of the web-page code so I'm not exactly sure what pdiv is. But I want to see if I can fix this small issue [making text color change when clicked on to show which section you're reading].

This particular section looks like this:


and when you click on it, it will display all menu sections:


function menuShowPol(pdiv){
                                        style.display=="none") { 
                              .style.display = "inline-block";
      } else {
                                      .style.display = "none";
      function changeColor(pdiv){
                          .style.color = "#ff0000"; // forecolor
                 .style.backgroundColor = "#ff0000"; // backcolor
        $menutext .= "<div id=\"country_menu_report_name\"
                        changeColor('".$pol."'); return 

Is there any way to achieve this using only CSS? Or if JavaScript is required, can you offer some assistance? Thank you.

Answer №1

If you pass "this" to your events, it will provide direct access to the element that was interacted with. Here's a simple version (as suggested by others, using CSS classes for different div states is recommended).

Take note of the onclick="changeColor(this)" in the header divs. Additionally, I connected country_menu_report_X to menu_pol_X, which may not be the best practice, but it gets the job done and is basic.

function changeColor(pdiv){
   var myid = pdiv.id;
   var otherid = myid.replace("country_menu_report_", "menu_pol_");
   var otherdiv = document.getElementById(otherid);
   var toggle = otherdiv.style.display == "none";
       pdiv.style.color = "#0000ff"; // forecolor
       pdiv.style.backgroundColor = "#ccccff"; // backcolor
      otherdiv.style.display = "none";
       pdiv.style.color = "#000000"; // forecolor
       pdiv.style.backgroundColor = "#aaeeaa"; // backcolor
       otherdiv.style.backgroundColor = "#ccffcc"; // backcolor
       otherdiv.style.display = "block";
<div id="country_menu_report_a" onclick="changeColor(this)" style="user-select:none; cursor:pointer; color:#0000ff; background-color:#ccccff;" >test div A. click me</div>
<div id="menu_pol_a"style="display:none" >menu item A</div>
<div id="country_menu_report_b" onclick="changeColor(this)" style="user-select:none; cursor:pointer; color:#0000ff; background-color:#ccccff;" >test div B. click me</div>
<div id="menu_pol_b" style="display:none" >menu item B</div>

Answer №2

From my perspective, I believe When attempting to click the button

$menutext .= "<div id=\"country_menu_report_name\" onclick=\"menuShowPol('".$pol."');changeColor('".$pol."'); return false;\">".$thispol."</div>\n";

The function should target the exact same button

Check the function that is searching for an element with the ID:

document.getElementById('menu_pol_div'+pdiv).style.display = "inline-block";

You must search for the same ID in this line:


or $menutext .= "".$thispol."\n";

and ensure that "pvid" is included in the ID: for example


$menutext .= "<div id=\"country_menu_report_name\" onclick=\"menuShowPol('".$pol."');changeColor('".$pol."'); return false;\">".$thispol."</div>\n";

you can use:

pvid = "report_name\"

Answer №3

In my approach, I define two CSS classes as follows:

   color: red;

.unread {
   color: blue;

To implement this, my code would look something like this:

function changeColor(currentDiv){
    // Remove 'read' class from all divs.
    var divs = document.getElementsByClassName('read');
    for(var i=0; i<divs.length; i++){
    // Add 'read' class to the current div.

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