Div Randomly Transforms Its Vertical Position

After successfully creating a VS Code Extension for code completion, I decided to develop a website as a landing page where users can sign up and customize their extension settings.

The editor I built pops up first on the page seemed to be working fine initially, but then an issue surfaced. You can see everything running normally in this clip:

Watch the video here

However, things didn't go as planned based on this video:

Check out the other video here

For my CSS file (main_light.css):

function load() {
  // Your JavaScript code goes here
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Montserrat:wght@900&display=swap');
// Your CSS code goes here
<!DOCTYPE html>

  <!-- Your HTML head content -->

<body onload="load()">
  <script src="main.js"></script>
      <h1 class="title">Codosaurus Copilot</h1>
      <p class="sub">A better AI for a superior programming experience</p>
      <!-- Your HTML body content goes here -->


I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions you may have. Thank you!

Answer №1

By including

fileContents.css("transform", "translate(50px, -115px)");
, the file-content experiences a change in position. When switching tabs, the .file-content is set at top:0; left:0;, resulting in your div being translated -115px upwards.

To resolve this issue, reset its position to 50px, -46px. Therefore, when clicking tabs, include

fileContents.css("transform", "translate(50px, -46px)");

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