Troubleshoot: CSS class H2 style is not displaying correctly

I have the following code in my .css file:

h2.spielbox {
    a.spielbox {

However, in my html file, the h2 style is not appearing, but the a-style does:

<div class="spielbox" style="float:left;width:320px"><h2>Testberichte</h2>

It seems like I may be missing something about CSS?

Answer №1

The reason is because the class is being used on a div. You can opt for this approach instead:

<h2 class="spielbox">Reviews</h2>

Alternatively, you can keep it within the div by using this method:

.spielbox h2 {
  • h2.spielbox targets h2 elements with the class spielbox
  • .spielbox h2 targets h2 elements nested within any element with the class spielbox

Answer №2

To apply the spielbox styling to h2, make sure to include it within the h2 tags.

<h2 class="spielbox">...</h2>

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