Spinning an SVG circle using a group element

I'm interested in rotating an SVG circle without affecting the rotation of other elements.

My attempt to rotate the white circle using rotateZ(15deg) resulted in this:

This is the progress I've made so far: https://jsfiddle.net/41hrnojs/

<svg viewBox="0 0 1400 900" style="outline:1px solid red;">
               <clipPath id="hexagonal-mask">
                  <circle cx="700" cy="100" r="705" ></circle>
             <image clip-path="url(#hexagonal-mask)" height="100%" width="100%" xlink:href="{{ asset('images/H3z50J2.jpg') }}"  style="transform: translateY(-140px);"/>

            <g  style="transform-origin: 701px -5%; transform: rotateZ(15deg)">
                <circle cx="701" cy="0" r="665" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="1px" fill="transparent"  style="transform: translateY(-50px);" ></circle>
                <!-- center dot -->
                <g id="g1" >
                    <circle cx="701" cy="615" r="15" fill="#fff">
                    <path  stroke="#000" stroke-width="1px" d="M701 630 701 690"></path>
                    <text x="672" y="720" font-family="'Playfair Display', serif" font-size="2em" font-weight="bold" fill="#9d9e9f">2007</text>
                    <text x="640" y="730" font-family="'Playfair Display', serif" font-size="2.85em" font-weight="bold" fill="#000">
                        <tspan x="640" dy="40">Lorem</tspan>
                        <tspan x="640" dy="45">Ipsum</tspan>
                       path="M0 100 Q50 80 -399 -135"

                <!-- left dot -->
                    <!-- <circle cx="305" cy="485" r="15" fill="#fff"></circle> -->
                    <circle cx="302" cy="480" r="15" fill="#fff"></circle>
                    <path stroke="#000" stroke-width="1px" d="M302 495 305 675"></path>

                <!-- right dot -->
                    <circle cx="1100" cy="480" r="15" fill="#fff"></circle>
                    <path  stroke="#000" stroke-width="1px" d="M1100 495 1100 675"></path>


My objective is to:

  • Rotate the white circle while clicking on the dots located on the circle

Answer №1

To avoid rotating everything, I prefer to calculate the position of the dots on the circle and then use those coordinates to draw the line and text.

In this case, I am utilizing javascript with a crucial function in the script that calculates the new position after rotation: rotatePoint(p, c, rot)

It's worth noting that I have removed unnecessary transformations in the SVG.

let theG = document.querySelector("#theG");
//circle's center
let center = { x: 700, y: -40 };
//rotation in radians
let rot = .6;
//function to calculate the new position of a rotated point
function rotatePoint(p, c, rot) {
  // p: the point
  // c: the center of rotation
  // rot: the rotation
  let cos = Math.cos(rot);
  let sin = Math.sin(rot);
  return {
    x: c.x + (p.x - c.x) * cos - (p.y - c.y) * sin,
    y: c.y + (p.x - c.x) * sin + (p.y - c.y) * cos

//select all groups with a class of dot
let groups = theG.querySelectorAll(".dot");
let points = [];

groups.forEach((g) => {
  let dot = g.querySelector("circle");
  let p = {};

  p.x = dot.getAttribute("cx");
  p.y = dot.getAttribute("cy");

let rot = itr.value;

groups.forEach((g,i) => {
  let dot = g.querySelector("circle");
  let line = g.querySelector("line");
  let t1 = g.querySelectorAll("text")[0];

  let newPoint = rotatePoint(points[i], center, rot);

  dot.setAttribute("cx", newPoint.x);
  dot.setAttribute("cy", newPoint.y);

  line.setAttribute("x1", newPoint.x);
  line.setAttribute("x2", newPoint.x);
  line.setAttribute("y1", newPoint.y);
  line.setAttribute("y2", newPoint.y + 180);

  t1.setAttribute("x", newPoint.x);
  t1.setAttribute("y", newPoint.y + 200);


line{stroke:#000; stroke-width:1px; }
<p><input type="range" id="itr" min="-.85" max=".85" value="0" step=".01" /></p>

<svg viewBox="0 0 1400 900" style="outline:1px solid red;" >
    <clipPath id="hexagonal-mask">
      <circle cx="700" cy="-40" r="705"></circle>
  <image clip-path="url(#hexagonal-mask)" height="100%" width="100%" xlink:href="https://assets.codepen.io/222579/castell.jpg"></image>
  <circle cx="700" cy="-40" r="655" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="1px" fill="transparent"></circle>
  <g id="theG">

    <g class="dot">
      <circle cx="700" cy="615" r="15" fill="#fff"></circle>
      <line x1="700" y1="615" x2="700" y2="795"></line>
      <text x="700" y="815" font-family="'Playfair Display', serif" font-size="2em" font-weight="bold" fill="#9d9e9f">2007</text>

    <g class="dot">
      <circle cx="302" cy="480" r="15" fill="#fff"></circle>
      <line x1="302" y1="480" x2="302" y2="660"></line>
      <text x="302" y="680" font-family="'Playfair Display', serif" font-size="2em" font-weight="bold" fill="#9d9e9f">2006</text>

    <g class="dot">
      <circle cx="1100" cy="480" r="15" fill="#fff"></circle>
      <line x1="1100" y1="480" x2="1100" y2="660"></line>
      <text x="1100" y="680" font-family="'Playfair Display', serif" font-size="2em" font-weight="bold" fill="#9d9e9f">2008</text>

Answer №2

Is it possible to achieve this without relying on JavaScript? In the upcoming demo, I will only use JavaScript to alter the rotation value.

Given that SVG transforms utilize degrees rather than radians, please keep that in mind.

The concept at play involves creating a nested SVG element. While rotating the 'G' in one direction, it's essential to rotate the line and text by the same degree but in the opposite direction. The challenge arises when the dots change their positions during rotation, requiring knowledge of their position to serve as an anchor for the line and text.

The solution is to enclose everything within a nested SVG where the positions remain constant, allowing for the rotation of the nested SVG. According to SVG 1.1 specifications, the transform attribute was not permitted within the 'element'. Hence, each nested SVG was placed in a group and rotated accordingly.

let rot = itr.value;
theG.setAttribute("transform",`rotate(${rot} 700 -40)`) 
dot2006.setAttribute("transform",`rotate(${-rot} 302 480)`); 
dot2007.setAttribute("transform",`rotate(${-rot} 700 600)`);
dot2008.setAttribute("transform",`rotate(${-rot} 1100 480)`);  
text{text-anchor:middle; font-family:'Playfair Display' serif; font-size:2em; font-weight:bold; fill:#9d9e9f;}

line{stroke:#000; stroke-width:1px; }
<p><input type="range" id="itr" min="-45" max="45" value="0" /></p>

<svg viewBox="0 0 1400 900" style="outline:1px solid red;">
    <clipPath id="hexagonal-mask">
      <circle cx="700" cy="-40" r="705"></circle>
     <g id="cl">
      <!--<rect x="-32" y="-15" width="64" height="224" fill="gold"/>-->
      <circle r="15" fill="#fff"></circle>
      <line y2="180"></line>
  <image clip-path="url(#hexagonal-mask)" height="100%" width="100%" xlink:href="https://assets.codepen.io/222579/castell.jpg"></image>
  <circle cx="700" cy="-40" r="655" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="1px" fill="transparent"></circle>
  <g id="theG" transform="rotate(0 700 -40)">
<g id="dot2007" transform="rotate(0 700 600)">
<!--transform="rotate(-25 668+32 600+15)"-->
<svg x="668" y="600" width="64" height="224" viewBox="-32 -15 64 224" >
      <use xlink:href="#cl"/>
      <text y="200">2007</text>

<g id="dot2006" transform="rotate(0 302 480)"> 
<!--transform="rotate(-25 270+32 465+15)"-->
<svg x="270" y="465" width="64" height="224" viewBox="-32 -15 64 224">
      <use xlink:href="#cl"/>
      <text y="200">2006</text>
<g id="dot2008" transform="rotate(0 1100 480)"> 
<!--transform="rotate(-25 1068+32 465+15)"-->
<svg x="1068" y="465" width="64" height="224" viewBox="-32 -15 64 224">
      <use xlink:href="#cl"/>
      <text y="200">2008</text>


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