Trouble with the Rotate <text> feature in Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 10

I am using d3.js to draw SVG with the transform:rotate(180deg) property. It displays perfectly on Chrome, but doesn't work on IE11. I tried changing it to rotateY(180deg), and it works with div elements but not with text elements. Here is my screen and code:


<g class="node" transform="translate(1356, 161.11111450195312)">
    <circle class="node" r="25" style="fill: rgb(12, 230, 103);" cursor="pointer"></circle>
    <text x="-246" y="0" dy=".35em" text-anchor="start" class="area-name">Area 4</text>
    <text x="-70" y="50" dy=".35em" text-anchor="start">30 Jan 2019 10:33 PM</text>
    <text x="-70" y="70" dy=".35em" text-anchor="start" cursor="pointer" class="text-decorate">Abc</text>


    webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(180deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(180deg);
    -ms-transform: rotateY(180deg);
    transform: rotateY(180deg);           
    -sand-transform: rotate(180deg);

Answer №1

After deleting the CSS code, I tested it on both Chrome and IE and it worked fine.

If this is not the desired outcome, please provide your code so we can better assist you.

Keep coding happily ☺

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