AngularJS seems to be ignoring CSS styles when displaying list items in the ng-repeat loop

After coming across a tutorial on creating round circles connected by a line in CSS, I decided to implement it myself. Interestingly, everything worked perfectly fine when I tested it with static HTML. However, when I tried to make it dynamic using Angular's ng-repeat feature, the circles ended up justified left instead of aligning properly. To better illustrate this issue, I created a jsFiddle which can be found here:

<ul class="progress-rnd">
    <li ng-repeat="step in steps">

This situation has led me to ponder two questions:

  1. What is causing this unexpected behavior?
  2. How can I go about fixing it?

Any insights or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

One issue arises when the text-align: justify; property behaves differently on HTML containing spaces as opposed to what Angular generates (where li tags are followed by commented-out HTML and the next tag). This custom directive should help resolve this, see this example:

var app = angular.module('testApp', []);
.directive('addASpaceBetween', [function () {
        'use strict';
        return function (scope, element) {
            element.after(' ');

Add this directive to the repeat element like so:

ng-repeat="step in steps" data-add-a-space-between

Answer №2

The issue at hand lies in the way HTML treats elements set to inline-block, resulting in unnecessary whitespace between them. One solution is to establish proper spacing between these elements using CSS instead of depending on HTML for this purpose.

For a demonstration of how to rectify this problem, you can visit

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