Removing Inline Styles Using jQuery Scroll Event

Whenever I reach the scroll position of 1400 and then scroll back to the top, my chat elements (chat1, chat2, chat3, chat4) receive an "empty" inline style but only for a duration of 1 second. After that, the fadeIn effect occurs again every time I scroll with a 1-second delay.

Essentially, I aim to display four images consecutively when scrolled to 1400 and make them disappear when scrolling back to the top :)

(window).scroll(function() {
  var scrollPosition = $(window).scrollTop();
  var phoneScreen = $('.phone-screen');

  var chat1 = phoneScreen.find('#chat1');
  var chat2 = phoneScreen.find('#chat2');
  var chat3 = phoneScreen.find('#chat3');
  var chat4 = phoneScreen.find('#chat4');

  if(scrollPosition >= 1400){
    chat1.delay(1000).fadeIn(200, function(){
      chat2.delay(200).fadeIn(200, function(){
        chat3.delay(200).fadeIn(200, function(){

    chat2.css('display', '');
    chat3.css('display', '');
    chat4.css('display', '');

This is my CSS:

  position: relative;
  top: -1356px;
  z-index: 16;
  display: none;

This is my HTML:

<div class="col-md-4">
  <div class="phone-container">
    <img src="images/Tuto/phone-frame.png" alt="Phone frame">
    <div class="phone-screen">

    <img src="images/Tuto/phone-background.png" alt="Phone background" id="phone-bg">
    <img src="images/Tuto/phone-footer-explore.png" alt="phone footer explore" id="phone-fot-exp">
      <div class="profile-screen">
        <img src="images/Tuto/Joanna.png" alt="Girl Profile" id="Girl-one-prof">
        <img src="images/Tuto/szymon.png" alt="Girl Profile" id="boy-one-prof">
    <img src="images/Tuto/match.png" alt="match" class="match">
    <img src="images/Tuto/chat.png" alt="chat" id="chat">
    <img src="images/Tuto/chat1.png" alt="chat1" id="chat1">
    <img src="images/Tuto/chat2.png" alt="chat2" id="chat2">
    <img src="images/Tuto/chat3.png" alt="chat3" id="chat3">
    <img src="images/Tuto/chat4.png" alt="chat4" id="chat4">

Answer №1

Would you consider utilizing fixed-positioned elements for this task?

Furthermore, each time you scroll up, an animation is triggered on every img. These animations take a while to start and complete, causing .hide() to struggle in attempting to hide an object affected by an ongoing animation. This is where .stop(true) comes in to the rescue and, as stated at this source, it "Stops the currently-running animation on the matched elements."

You have the option to refactor this code so that it only triggers the animations ONCE when it surpasses the 1400px mark, and AGAIN only when it surpasses it upwards.

  $(this).css('top', i * $(this).prev().height());
$(window).scroll(function() {

var scroll1 = $(window).scrollTop();

var phoneScreen = $('.phone-screen');

var chat1 = phoneScreen.find('#chat1');
var chat2 = phoneScreen.find('#chat2');
var chat3 = phoneScreen.find('#chat3');
var chat4 = phoneScreen.find('#chat4');

//==================== THIS PART =======================//
if(scroll1 >= 1400){
    chat1.delay(1000).fadeIn(200, function(){
        chat2.delay(200).fadeIn(200, function(){
            chat3.delay(200).fadeIn(200, function(){

    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    z-index: 16;
    display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="phone-screen">
  <img id="chat1" alt="chat1">
  <img id="chat2" alt="chat2">
  <img id="chat3" alt="chat3">
  <img id="chat4" alt="chat4">

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