Here's an interesting challenge for you.
I've been struggling to center this span within the div, so I resorted to positioning it.
The issue is that I want the blue numbers to be perfectly centered within the div. But when the number changes to 10, it shifts slightly to the right.
A helpful colleague on Stack Overflow assisted with the JavaScript, but I'm now seeking guidance on aligning it using CSS.
I'm unsure if it's possible to absolutely center a counter that displays single and double digit numbers without any shifting.
Confusing, right?
Check out the link: Test Page
The CSS code (I know the span element timer isn't centered, but it should be).
I can't seem to get Stack Overflow to display the code correctly, so please view the source of the link.
Any suggestions on how to perfectly center the NUMBERS horizontally in the middle and prevent any shifting when the number changes? Would greatly appreciate any help!