Alert classes are not included in bootstrap 5 npm package

In my Angular 13 project, I am utilizing Bootstrap version 5.2.1. While most components are working as expected, the alert component seems to be missing some styling elements. Specifically, I have noticed that alerts with the classes alert-success and alert-danger do not have a background color applied, unlike the alert-primary which has a green background:

<div class="alert alert-primary" role="alert">
  A simple primary alert—check it out!

Upon inspecting the styles in the browser's developer tools, it appears that only alert-primary is receiving the necessary background color while the other classes are missing those styles. Could this be a common issue experienced by others using Bootstrap 5?

It's worth noting that I am importing the "~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss" style in my styles.scss file and not using a CSS file or CDN link. Is there a potential problem with the Bootstrap 5 SCSS files causing this inconsistency in styling?

Answer №1

Discovering a solution was a game-changer for me. The way Bootstrap functions is quite unique. Rather than relying on fixed styling that can be easily overridden, Bootstrap generates styles using theming variables. I found that defining theme colors was the key to getting everything to work smoothly once again. By adding this snippet of code to my scss file, I was able to get the alerts functioning properly:

$theme-colors: (
  "primary": rgba(0, 142, 126, 0.8),
  "danger": #e40017f1,
  "warning": #ba4523, 

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