Issue with CSS transition bug in Offcanvas on Android version 4.1.x

I am attempting to develop an offcanvas menu similar to the one featured in the Google Plus app.

Currently, my code functions properly on most devices (android/ios) and browsers (ff, chrome, IE8+).

The only issue I am encountering is on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 running Android 4.1.2: when I enable the opacity transition of the dark/opaque layer on the right, the offcanvas menu fails to hide upon closing, causing a disruption in my application.

You can observe this problem in action on two fiddles with Android 4.1.2:

Here is the relevant CSS code (SASS version below, CSS version on jsfiddle):

(PS: The issue arises if you uncomment the two transition lines)

html, body {
    overflow-x: hidden;
    /*height: 100%;*/

.sidebar-offcanvas {
    height: 100%;
    position: absolute;

a[data-toggle=offcanvas]:focus {
    outline: none;

$global-site-min-height: 520px; /*TODO: replace this by better css or JS*/
#sidebar {
    padding-left: 0;
    padding-right: 0;
    min-height: $global-site-min-height;
    background-color: lighten($gray-light, 30%);

    .left-sidebar {
        padding: 0 15px;

#rightpanel {
    height: 100%;
    min-height: $global-site-min-height;
    padding-left: 0;
    padding-right: 0;

.wrapper {
    overflow: hidden;

.row-offcanvas {
    position: relative;

@media screen and (max-width: $screen-xs-max) {

    $sidebar-width: 40%;

    #togleSidebar {
        display: block;

    .sidebar-offcanvas {
        @include transition(left 0.15s linear, opacity 0.15s linear);
        height: 100%;
        z-index: 9500;
        top: 0;
        width: $sidebar-width;
        left: -$sidebar-width;

    #rightpanel-shadow {
        background: #000 !important;
        position: absolute;
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        visibility: hidden;
        @include opacity(0);
        z-index: 9250;
        @include transition(opacity 0.15s linear); /* SECOND FIDDLE WORKS IF COMMENTED*/

    .active {
        .sidebar-offcanvas {
            left: 0;
            @include box-shadow(6px 0px 6px -2px #111111);
            @include transition(left 0.15s linear, opacity 0.15s linear);


        #rightpanel-shadow {
            visibility: visible;
            @include opacity(0.75);
            transition-delay: 0s;
            zoom: 1;
            @include transition(opacity 0.15s linear); /* SECOND FIDDLE WORKS IF COMMENTED*/

Answer №1

If you're looking to improve your animations, it's best to avoid declaring multiple animations like this:

transition: left 0.15s linear, opacity 0.15s linear;

Instead, consider adding a new nested element and applying the additional animation there.

The default Samsung browser may not handle multiple animations well (especially with older versions), so it's worth optimizing for compatibility.

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