Tricky problem with z-index - how to position a CSS3 triangle under the menu

Hey there, thank you for taking the time to look into my issue.

I'm currently working on a menu design that I would like to resemble this example:

The key feature here is creating triangular shapes on either side and positioning them beneath the menu to create a 3D effect.

I managed to accomplish this successfully on the website mentioned above, but I'm facing difficulties implementing it on another project.

Here is the link to the site where I'm trying to apply this design:

When I set the z-index: -1;, the triangles end up positioned behind all of the background images, including the white background on the body. However, on the other site, setting z-index: -1; places the triangles just above the body background.

I've experimented with setting all background images to z-index: -1;, the triangles to z-index: 1;, and the menu to z-index: 2;, but I still can't get it to work properly.

Does anyone have any suggestions or tips on how I can effectively utilize the z-index property in my specific scenario?

Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

I seem to be struggling with understanding your specific needs, but it appears that the elements you are manipulating have some sort of positioning in place, right? Keep in mind that Z-index will only function properly if these elements are positioned as absolute, relative, or fixed.

For more information on Z-index, check out this helpful resource.

Answer №2

After hours of troubleshooting, I finally found the solution to my problem by following this helpful response:

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