Conceal/Inactivate element when scrolling, and once scrolling comes to a halt, reveal it once more

I have been working on creating a div tag to overlay an embed tag and added some javascript to prevent users from right-clicking to download the pdf inside the embed tag (even though it may seem unnecessary, it was requested by my customer). Here is the main issue: I want users to still be able to scroll through the pdf. I set up the scrolling functionality so that every time a user scrolls, the div tag mentioned above disappears, allowing users to scroll through the pdf. However, when they stop scrolling, the div tag reappears to prevent users from right-clicking on the pdf. This is what I have implemented so far:

var wheeling;
window.addEventListener('wheel', function (e) {
        if (!wheeling) {
            console.log('start wheeling!');
            document.querySelector("#lesson_pdf").style.display = "none";

        wheeling = setTimeout(function() {
            console.log('stop wheeling!');
            document.querySelector("#lesson_pdf").style.display = "block";
            wheeling = undefined;
        }, 300);

Here is my HTML structure:

    <div style="position: relative;">
        //the embed tag I want to cover
        <embed src=" {{ getImageFile($pdf_src) }}" class="tw-w-full tw-h-[500px] pdf-reader-frame" style="position: absolute;">
    //The div tag mentioned earlier
    <div style="position: absolute;
                height: 100%;
                width: 100%;
                display: block;
                z-index: 1;" id="lesson_pdf">

The problem is, the current setup is not functioning as intended. Sometimes I have to scroll multiple times before being able to scroll through the pdf file. Can anyone assist me in resolving this issue?

Answer №1

Instead of creating a div overlay to prevent users from right-clicking on a PDF, why not just disable the context menu? This can be achieved using the contextmenu event, which is more efficient than toggling the visibility of an overlay (unless specifically requested by the client).

const img = document.querySelector("img")

img.addEventListener("contextmenu", (e) => {
  return false
<img src="" />

Answer №2

If you're looking for some helpful code, look no further! Just be sure to include the necessary CSS.

var preventElement = document.getElementById('embed-document');
preventElement.addEventListener("contextmenu", (e) => {
embed {
            pointer-events: none;
    <div id="embed-document">
      <embed src="" class="tw-w-full tw-h-[500px] pdf-reader-frame">

Answer №3

If you only have a small number of PDFs to display, this method could work well.

Scroll PDF embedded in HTML

One option is to place the iframe within a div with overflow: auto, setting the height of the iframe to be very large so the PDF displays at full size. Keep the surrounding div shorter than the iframe and scroll it when needed.

The drawback is that you'll need to manually adjust the height of the embed element to match the full height of the PDF with all pages visible.

Running the code snippet on Stackoverflow using Chrome may not work due to some sandbox plugin errors. However, it worked for me outside of a sandbox (using VS Code and live server) and also on Firefox developer version. I tested it with an embed tag and it functioned properly.

.wrapper {
  position: relative;
  overflow: auto;
  /* Set your desired height for the PDF viewer */
  height: 500px;

.embed-cover {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  right: 0;
  z-index: 1000;
  /* Should match embed height */
  height: 1000px;

  /* Just for visual demonstration, remove in practice */
  background: red;
  opacity: 0.25;

embed {
  width: 100%;
  /* Should match embed-cover height */
  height: 1000px;
<div class="wrapper" onContextMenu="return false;" >
  <div id="embed-cover" class="embed-cover">asd</div>
  <embed src="" />

Answer №4

Not looking to dampen anyone's spirits with my response, but it's important to consider that while some solutions may help protect those who are vulnerable, like the disabled, they may not be fully accessible for everyone (not DDA/508 compatible). It's crucial to remember that determined individuals will find ways to access content regardless of barriers in place, so blocking access altogether is ineffective and can even be seen as counterproductive.

The key aspect of PDF handling lies in its ability to be openly used as a public domain standard, outlined in the fine print when using these types of files.

An interactive PDF processor engages with users during file processing, allowing for both reading and writing capabilities within the PDF format.

In essence, full accessibility should be a priority for any compliant PDF editing or reading software.

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