How can I integrate a timer into an Angular carousel feature?

I have put together a carousel based on a tutorial I found on a website. Check out the HTML code for my carousel below:

<div class="row carousel" (mouseover)="mouseCheck()">
                    <!-- For the prev control button -->
                    <button class="control" style="left: 30px;" (click)="prevButton()">
                        <span class="arrow" style="transform: rotate(45deg);"></span>

                    <div class="row car-align">

                        <div *ngFor="let i of currentSlide;" style="width: 184px;" class="card CardBtw">
                            <div @carouselAnimation>
                               <!-- SOME CODE IN HERE -->     


                    <!-- For the control buttons -->
                    <button class="control" style="right: 30px;" (click)="nextButton()">
                        <span class="arrow" style="transform: rotate(225deg);"></span>

After successfully implementing an animation, I now aim to make the carousel cycle every 10 seconds when the mouse is not hovering over it. If the user places their mouse on the carousel, I want the countdown to reset and start from the beginning. I've created a function called "mouseCheck()" to monitor if the mouse is on the carousel but I'm struggling with setting up the 10-second cycle. Any suggestions on how to achieve this?


As requested, here are the relevant codes. My mouseover function currently only logs a message when the mouse is detected (I haven't fully implemented it as I'm having trouble tracking time). When using the next and previous buttons, I hide and reveal the appropriate vector. Here's the TypeScript function for the next button:

//Start from the first vector
  currentSlide = this.laptopSlide[0];

  nextButton() {
      //If the currentSlide is 0
      if(this.currentSlide == this.laptopSlide[0])
        this.currentSlide = this.laptopSlide[1]
      //If currentSlide is 1
      else if(this.currentSlide == this.laptopSlide[1])
        this.currentSlide = this.laptopSlide[2]
      //If current slide is 2
      else if(this.currentSlide == this.laptopSlide[2])
        this.currentSlide = this.laptopSlide[0];

Answer №1

One way to add a setTimeout function within the mouseCheck() function is by using the following code:

  mouseCheck() {
   if (condiction1 or click == true){ => {
         "Provide a function condition"
    }else {
       console.log("Modify content dynamically in my component's TypeScript code")
     }, 2000)

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