The Google Language Translator disregards the formatting

Currently, I am in the midst of developing a website with Wordpress and have successfully integrated Google Language Translator. Everything seems to be working well, except for one issue - when I translate the content, it alters the font size. Prior to translation, the code appears as follows:

<h1 class="intro-text">iDEAS , Solutions , Strategies for your Business <br>

Upon inspecting the element after translation into Spanish or any other language, I noticed a reduction in font size:

<h1 class="intro-text>
<font><font>ideas, soluciones, estrategias para su negocio </font></font>
<br> </h1>

This discrepancy has led to some challenges. Is there a way to resolve this issue so that the translated content maintains the original font size, like so:

<h1 class="intro-text">
ideas, soluciones, estrategias para su negocio 
<br> </h1>

Any assistance on how to tackle this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

To ensure consistent font-size even after page translation, it is advisable to include CSS for font tags that are added during the translation process within the class="intro-text".

<!-- Before Translation -->
<h1 class="intro-text">
   iDEAS, Solutions, Strategies for your Business <br>
<!-- After Translation -->
<h1 class="intro-text">
   <font><font>ideas, soluciones, estrategias para su negocio </font></font><br>


.intro-text font { font-size:20px;}

This approach will ensure that the font-size remains consistent post-translation.

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