Conflicts in SwiperJS Timeline Management

Having a Timeline on my Website using SwiperJS presents challenges with conflicting functions. The goal is to navigate swiper-slides by clicking on timespans in the timeline.

The desired functionality for the timeline includes:

  1. Sliding to the corresponding slide when clicking on a timespan, setting it as active and scrolling it into view.

init: function () {
  const timeline = document.querySelectorAll(".timespan");
  timeline.forEach(function (timespan) {
    timespan.addEventListener("click", function () {
      // Remove active class from all timespans
      timeline.forEach(function (item) {

      // Add active class to the clicked timespan

      // Scroll to the clicked timespan

      // Slide to the corresponding slide
      let slideIndex = parseInt(timespan.dataset.slideIndex);

  1. Setting the middle timespan in the viewport as active. So when scrolling the timeline, the centered timespan becomes active and displays its related slide.

const timespans = document.querySelectorAll(".timespan");
const scrollContainer = document.querySelector(".about .container");
let scrolling = false;

// Function to check if an element is in the middle of the viewport
function isElementInViewport(element) {
  const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
  const viewportHeight =
    window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight;
  const middleViewport = viewportHeight / 2;

  return <= middleViewport && rect.bottom >= middleViewport;

// Function to remove the active class from all timespan elements
function removeActiveClass() {
  timespans.forEach((timespan) => {

// Function to set the active class to the timespan element in the middle of the viewport
function setActiveClass() {

  timespans.forEach((timespan) => {
    if (isElementInViewport(timespan)) {
      const slideIndex = parseInt(timespan.dataset.slideIndex);

// Function to scroll the timespan into view
function scrollToTimespan(timespan) {
    behavior: "smooth",
    block: "center",
    inline: "center",

// Call the setActiveClass function initially on window load and on scroll
window.addEventListener("load", setActiveClass);
scrollContainer.addEventListener("scroll", function () {
  if (!scrolling) {
    scrolling = true;
    window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
      scrolling = false;

  1. Activating the corresponding timespan and scrolling it into view when dragging the swiper to the next or previous slide.

slideChange: function () {
      if (!this.isBeginning && !this.isEnd) {
        const timeline = document.querySelectorAll(".timespan");
        const activeSlideIndex = timelineSwiper.activeIndex;

        // Remove active class from all timespans
        timeline.forEach(function (item) {

        // Add active class to the corresponding timespan of the active slide

        // Scroll to the corresponding timespan
        const activeTimespan = timeline[activeSlideIndex];

The above functions present conflicts, particularly with changing slides based on user interaction. Looking for suggestions on how to achieve the desired functionality mentioned.

Here is The code snippet:

Answer №1

Finally resolved the issue by implementing debounce on the scroll event.

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