Tips for creating a clickable ::before image

I'm trying to create a hover effect where an image appears and is clickable when hovering over an element, similar to what is seen on many websites. For example, I want to display a bin icon when hovering over an element by using the ::before pseudo-element, and I want this icon to be clickable.

The bin icon is shown in the section div using:

.section:hover::before {
  content: url("@/assets/icons/bin.svg");
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  top: -10px;
  right: 25px;
  background-color: white;

While I've read that the pseudo-element itself doesn't allow for clickability, I'm curious about how this effect can be achieved.

Answer №1

To include a hyperlink, just insert an <a> element with the URL you desire...

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