Leveraging the power of CSS calc() in combination with TailwindCSS styles and JavaScript

Can you explain why applying styles with TailwindCSS v3 to calculations using JS variables does not work?

I'm working on a project using VueJS, and I've noticed that styling works fine when using calc as a string like this:

<div class="w-[calc((100%-12rem)*2/3)]">

However, it doesn't work when JS variables are involved, like in the following example:

<div :class="`w-[calc(${props.languages.length * 1.25 + 3}rem)]`">

Even though the console shows the correct HTML class being generated:

<div class="flex w-[calc(14.25rem)]"

... the styles are still not applied. Any suggestions? What am I missing here? It seems like a useful feature for dynamic styling based on data, but I just can't get it to work despite being so close.

Appreciate any help or insights.

Answer №1

After some digging, I pinpointed the root cause: Tailwind's JIT, which is active and operational by default in TailwindCSS version 3.

This is where it gets interesting: they advise against generating class names dynamically, a practice I happened to be experimenting with.

I heeded their advice (reference this helpful v2 documentationlink) and made a workaround to avoid using Tailwind directly this time, instead opting for inline styles to define the width of my element like so:

<div :style="`width: ${props.languages.length * 1.25 + 3}rem;`">

Appreciate the help anyway ;)

Answer №2

Here is an alternative method:

<script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script>

<div id="element" class="w-[calc(var(--languages-length)_*_1.25rem_+_3rem)] h-10 bg-red-300"></div>

element.style.setProperty('--languages-length', 6);

This can be achieved in Vue as well:

 class="w-[calc(var(--languages-length)_*_1.25rem_+_3rem)] h-10 bg-red-300" 
 :style="{ '--languages-length': props.languages.length }"

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