Transferring data from JavaScript to an HTML page

I'm currently developing a rock, paper, scissors game using HTML and JS.

Here is the link to the complete code (CSS, JS, HTML): You can also view the game with images here:

The functionality of the .math-module is working well, with the computer randomizing its choice when the player selects rock, paper, or scissors.

Now, I want to display a text string underneath the computer screen indicating whether the player wins or loses. I've started working on a function that looks like this:

function theWinnerIs(userChoice, computerChoice) {
    // code to determine winner

How can I easily display the result from this function in the index file? For example, showing 'YOU WIN!' or 'YOU LOSE!'.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

A more concise approach is available instead of using a block of if statements:

var choices = { rock: -1, paper: 0, scissors: 1 };
var score   = choices[userChoice] - choices[computerChoice];
score       = score - (score/2|0) * 3;

This method will output -1 if the user loses the round, 1 if they win, and 0 in the case of a draw.

You can easily display the output in any desired container by updating its innerHTML property:

var results = {
  '-1': 'YOU LOSE',
   '1': 'YOU WIN',
   '0': 'IT\'S A DRAW'   
var resultContainer = document.getElementById('result');
resultContainer.innerHTML = results[score];

Check out a brief demonstration to see these concepts in action.

Answer №2

It seems like you're looking to dynamically display text based on the output of your "theWinnerIs" method. One suggestion is to create a div element on your webpage and use JavaScript to update its content. There are multiple approaches you can take to achieve this.

To add a div to your page, you can include something like

<div id="output"></div>
. Then, you can update the text within this div using the following code:

var outputElement = document.getElementById("output");
outputElement.innerHTML = theWinnerIs(userChoice, computerChoice);

For a different perspective, you can view an updated version of your code. Keep in mind that raina77ow's solution may be more elegant.

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