Breaking the layout using recursive components in VueJS

I am currently facing an issue where I need to dynamically load components. However, when some of these components are loaded, they appear with faulty or missing CSS styles due to a problematic first div element after the template. Removing this DIV manually fixes the problem, but VueJS does not allow using v-for in the root.

As I am utilizing Vuetify components, there are instances where the Vuetify CSS requires a specific level for its CSS class, making it impossible to have the troublesome DIV between a component.

Is there a feasible solution to overcome this challenge?


    <div v-for="(component, index) in childs" :key="index" draggable>      
      <component :is="component.Type">
        <ControlsComponent :parent="component" :childs="component.Childs"></ControlsComponent>

Answer №1

Is it necessary for this component to have a parent? If so, consider placing it within a for-loop in the parent component. If there is no existing parent component, create one and implement the for loop there. Here's an example to illustrate:
Parent Component:

<Child v-for="(component, index) in childs" :key="index" draggable></Child>

Child Component

<component :is="component.Type">
 <ControlsComponent :parent="component" :childs="component.Childs"></ControlsComponent>

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