Top method for tracking changes in numerous textboxes

I'm currently working on a form that is organized into tabs using jQuery. Each tab contains different elements of the form related to a specific section, with a save button at the bottom of each tab. I want to implement a feature where a warning icon appears next to the tab name if the user makes changes to the form data but hasn't saved it yet. While I know I can achieve this by detecting changes in individual textboxes and toggling the display of the icon, I'm curious if there is a more efficient way to accomplish the same functionality. Since all form elements are grouped within a div and have unique classes, is there a method to check if any changes have been made within the entire div rather than monitoring events for each form element?

Appreciate your insights.

Answer №1

One possible approach is to attempt the following:

$("#divid > input").on("change", function(){

In this context, "divid" represents the id assigned to your specific div element.

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