In PowerShell, use the "ConvertTo-Html" commandlet to incorporate

I have a script that retrieves data from a server, converts it to HTML, and then sends the report via email. Here is a snippet of the script:

$sourceFile = "log.log"
$targetFile = "log.html"
$file = Get-Content $sourceFile
$fileLine = @()
foreach ($Line in $file) {
  $MyObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
  Add-Member -InputObject $MyObject -Type NoteProperty -Name Load -Value $Line
  $fileLine += $MyObject
$fileLine | ConvertTo-Html -Property Load -head '<style> .tdclass{color:red;} </style>' | Out-File $target

Here is the current HTML report snippet:

<tr><th>Load on servers</th></tr>
<tr><td>Server1 load is 2442</td></tr>
<tr><td>Server2 load is 6126</td></tr>
<tr><td>Server3 load is 6443</td></tr>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Higher than 4000:</td></tr>

I am looking for a way to generate td elements with classes, so I can include the class name in the -head property along with styles to make the "Higher than 4000:" tds appear in red.

Answer №1

Even though this post is from a while back, I came across it while searching for a similar solution. I managed to incorporate CSS styling by using a replace method in my code snippet. Take a look at this example:

$Report = $Report -replace '<td>PASS</td>','<td class="GreenStatus">PASS    &#10004;</td>'

You can then save the updated $report to a file as per usual, ensuring to include the necessary css code in the header section. To handle values exceeding 4000, you would need to implement some additional logic.

Answer №2

If you need help with the ConvertTo-Html command, simply use the Get-Help ConvertTo-Html command to see all available parameters. Here is an example of what you can expect from this command:

ConvertTo-Html [[-Property] <Object[]>] [[-Head] <String[]>] [[-Title] <String>] [[-Body] <String[]>] [-As<String>] [-CssUri <Uri>] [-InputObject <PSObject>] [-PostContent <String[]>] [-PreContent <String[]>][<CommonParameters>]

If you want to customize the CSS styling for your HTML output, you can create a separate CSS file and provide the path to that file in the [-CssUri] parameter.

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