Ensure that the display is set to block to stack the input elements on top of each other

I am attempting to grasp the functionality of CSS display property and experimented with this basic HTML code:

  <form className="container" action="">
    <input name="fName" placeholder="First Name" type="text" value={props.fName}/>
    <input name="sName" placeholder="Second Name" type="text" value={props.sName} />

Despite my efforts, the two input boxes appear horizontally aligned rather than stacked on top of each other. In an attempt to correct this, I added some CSS styling.

  text-align: center;
  display: block; 

However, I was puzzled as to why the display block property did not have the desired effect. Shouldn't it apply to the child elements as well?

Interestingly, when I applied display: block; directly to the input element, it worked as intended. This has left me wondering about the intricacies of how CSS properties are inherited by different elements.

Answer №1

By setting display: block; on the container, you won't automatically stack its children vertically since <input> elements are naturally inline-block and will sit side by side. To achieve vertical stacking, you must apply display: block; directly to the <input> elements.

.container input {
  display: block; 
  <form class="container" action="">
    <input name="fName" placeholder="First Name" type="text" value={props.fName}/>
    <input name="sName" placeholder="Second Name" type="text" value={props.sName} />

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