Is it feasible to customize the appearance of output text to resemble that of a password input field in Rich Faces?

Within our dataTable, we have a collection of attributes. Included in these are outputtext fields that contain passwords. Typically, password fields display as a series of black bullets if they are input fields (inputSecret). Currently, the outputText fields are displayed as regular text, which is not ideal. Is there a way to make them appear as password input fields?

Answer №1

When it comes to creating a password input, CSS is not the key factor. The type attribute should be set as password instead of text

Although I'm not an expert on richFaces, perhaps using <h:inputSecret /> instead of <h:inputText /> could be more suitable for your needs.

Answer №2

After much exploration, I have discovered the resolution:

<h:outputText value="&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;" condition="#{[IF FIELD IS A PASSWORD FIELD}" />

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