Is it possible to adjust the CSS code linked to the HTML tag based on the specific webpage being viewed?

I am facing an issue with the homepage of my website, which uses Scrollmagic.js for smooth scrolling. In order for the sticky footer CSS to work properly on all other pages, the HTML tag needs to have a height of 100%. However, if I add this height value to the homepage, it interferes with the scrolling functionality. Is there a way, using either CSS or jQuery, to dynamically change the height of the HTML tag based on the specific page the user is on?

Alternatively, are there any sticky footer methods available that do not rely on setting the height of the HTML tag to 100% like in the code snippet below:

    html, body {
      height: 100%;

Thank you.

Answer №1

To determine the current page and make CSS adjustments based on it, you can utilize the URL.


window.onload = function() {
    var url = window.location.href;
    var currentPage = url.substring(url.indexOf('.com') + 4, url.length);
    var htmlElement = document.querySelector('html');

    if (currentPage !== "/index.html") {
        /* Modify CSS if not on the index.html page */ = "100%";

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