Ensure that both textarea and pre elements have equal dimensions and line wrapping behavior in Internet Explorer

I am in the process of implementing a dynamic textarea that resizes automatically, based on a technique discussed in this article: Alistapart: Expanding Textareas (2011).

The idea is quite straightforward: by using a pre element to mirror the input in the textarea, you can resize the pre element which will in turn resize its container and the absolutely positioned textarea. So far, this method has been successful for me in Chrome, Safari, and even Firefox after adjusting a small padding issue found on Stack Overflow.

However, I have encountered an issue with modern versions of Internet Explorer (9+). The key to making this technique work is ensuring that the pre element mirrors not just the size of the textarea, but also its font characteristics and wrapping points.

To demonstrate this issue, I have created a sample on JSFiddle.

In the demonstration, the content of the textarea is displayed in red while the content of the pre element is shown in blue. Ideally, the textarea's content should overlay the pre's content perfectly, displaying only the red text.

While this synchronization works well in Chrome and Safari, it becomes out of sync in IE as the text wraps after a certain point. For example, in IE 11, the string:

Here's some text. It appears to do we

illustrates the problem:

We can only see the blue pre text on "we" because the textarea content has already wrapped.

Do you have any suggestions on how to keep the text synchronized between the textarea and the backing pre element in IE? Initially, I thought it might be related to differences in size or font, but after several attempts, it seems more like an inconsistent wrapping issue?

Although there are many JavaScript solutions available for resizing textareas, I was hoping to make this CSS approach work, if only for the learning experience.

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

The issue you are facing is that Internet Explorer is not recognizing the short-hand font rule. When inspecting the style in IE's style inspector, you will notice it being underlined, especially in IE11. To resolve this, simply include a space between the font size and font family values. Check out the updated JSFiddle for reference.

Solution for IE:

font: 400 1em 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif;

Instead of:

font: 400 1em'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif;

It's important to note that the single quotes are only necessary if the font name contains spaces or is a CSS keyword.

This adjustment should fix the wrapping issue. However, unlike WebKit browsers (Chrome/Safari), you may not be able to completely hide the underlying text within the pre element. In such cases, making it invisible is recommended as mentioned in the referenced article.

.expandingArea.active > pre {
  display: block;
  /* Hide the text; solely for sizing purposes */
  visibility: hidden;

Be sure to apply this additional step as well.

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