What about employing the position:fixed property to create a "sticky" footer?

I've come across various methods for creating a sticky footer, such as Ryan Fait's approach found here, another one here, and also here.

But why go through the trouble of using those techniques when simply applying

#footer{position:fixed; bottom:0;}
would do the trick?


I should note that employing position: fixed; for a footer can cause issues with centering using margin: auto; in some browsers, necessitating the use of an additional wrapper tag. One concern I have with the aforementioned methods is the unnecessary complexity introduced by extra tags, which can be confusing, violate HTML standards, and increase bandwidth usage. Nevertheless, adding a single wrapper around the footer is still preferable to using convoluted page templates initially. In my opinion, this approach is more direct and efficient in terms of bandwidth consumption.

Answer №1

Understanding the distinction between using position: fixed and Ryan Fait's approach1 is crucial.

With position: fixed, the footer remains visible at all times, which goes against the concept of a sticky footer.
A sticky footer should stick to the bottom of the page, unless the content extends beyond the height of the viewport. In that scenario, the sticky footer behaves like a regular footer, positioning itself just below the content.

You can observe the effect of a sticky footer on this page. In the displayed output, you'll notice the footer stays anchored to the bottom of the page. Clicking the 'Add content' button will introduce more content, causing the footer to adjust its position to remain below the added content.

1. This information was captured from the Wayback Machine on January 10, 2013, as the original post is no longer available on Ryan's website.

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