How can you turn off CSS3 animations for browsers that don't support them

Upon page load, a fade-in animation is applied to the main container. Although it functions properly in most browsers, it seems to have an issue in IE(9).

Is there a method to identify if the user's browser does not support CSS3 animations and disable them accordingly so that they can access the content of the page?



    <span id="splash-title">
    <img src="kuntosali/images/fc_yrityskeskus.png" class="pure-img" id="splash-logo" alt="logo" />
    <img src="kuntosali/images/loading.gif" id="loading" alt="loading" />

<div class="splash-container">
    <div class="splash">
        <span class="splash-head"></span>
        <p class="splash-subhead">
            <span>FoxCenter</span> on kuntosali ja yrityskeskus.<br>
            Kumpaa etsit?
            <a href="yrityskeskus/" class="pure-button pure-button-primary">Yrityskeskus</a>
            <a href="kuntosali/" class="pure-button pure-button-primary">Kuntosali



.splash {
    /* absolute center .splash within .splash-container */
    width: 80%;
    height: 50%;
    margin: auto;
    position: absolute;
    top: 100px; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0;
    text-align: center;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    opacity: 0;
        -webkit-animation: fade-in 2s forwards 4s;
        -moz-animation: fade-in 2s forwards 4s;
        -o-animation: fade-in 2s forwards 4s;
    animation: fade-in 2s forwards 4s;

Answer №1

One insightful suggestion from @Karl-AndréGagnon is to utilize modernizr for a clean approach. This tool will automatically append a no-cssanimations class to the <html> tag if a browser lacks support for CSS3 animations.

You can then leverage this to incorporate "non-CSS3-animation support CSS or javascript":

  • In your CSS, include
    .no-cssanimations .splash { /* something */ }
  • For JavaScript, you can use:

if( Modernizr.cssanimations ){ /* something */ }

if( $(".no-cssanimations").length ){ /* something */ }

Additional Resources:

  • Access the Modernizr development version here:
  • Get custom builds of Modernizr for production purposes at:

Answer №2

If you're interested in enhancing your website's functionality, consider checking out Modernizr, a useful feature detection library.

Simply visit the download page, select the features you want to detect, and then integrate the script into your site.

This will grant you access to the Modernizr object in JavaScript and can even add classes to the HTML tag if desired.

For styling in CSS:

.cssanimations .splash {
    // Apply styles when CSS animations are supported

Or for scripting in JavaScript:

if( Modernizr.cssanimations ){
    // Execute JavaScript code if CSS animations are supported

Hopefully, this information proves helpful for your project!

Answer №3

If CSS 3 is not being supported by the browser, any animations will be ignored and disabled.

To properly detect if the animation property is supported in JavaScript, you can use the following code:

if(typeof( === 'undefined' && typeof( === 'undefined' && typeof( === 'undefined' && typeof( === 'undefined') {
    // Animation not supported

If necessary, you can load jQuery, jQuery Lite, or Zepto for older browsers and use this code:

if(typeof( === 'undefined' && typeof( === 'undefined' && typeof( === 'undefined' && typeof( === 'undefined') {

Just a heads up: using bottom: 0; and right: 0; for positioning may not work as expected on some browsers.

Answer №4

Let's think outside the box here, but this is how I would approach it without relying on Modernizr.

There are countless methods to accomplish this task, but if I wanted to target a particular version of IE (disregarding CSS3), I would opt for using IE conditional comments.

For instance:

You can hide the fade-in div by setting display:none; in a linked CSS Stylesheet that is wrapped in conditional comments specifically for IE (ie.css or any preferred name).

This way, the fade-in div will be visible in all browsers except the targeted versions of IE, with just a small snippet of CSS. It's a straightforward and lightweight solution.

To learn more about conditional comments, visit:

Additionally, for details on CSS3 compatibility across different browsers, you can explore

This resource outlines the supported features for various browsers, not limited to just IE.

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