toggle visibility of <li> elements using ng-repeat and conditional rendering

I have an array of color IDs and codes that I'm utilizing with ng-repeat in the <li> tag to showcase all colors. However, I only want to display colors where the color code is less than 10, hiding any colors where the color code exceeds 10. Additionally, there is a '+' button that, when clicked, will reveal the hidden colors and switch its icon to '-'. Clicking the button again will hide the colors with a Color Code greater than 10. Here's the code snippet:

<div class="row py-3 border_bootom_1">
    <div class="col-lg-2 align-self-center">
        <h4 class="card-title"> Color </h4>
    <div class="col-lg-10 align-self-center">
        <ul class="ss_size_general ss_size_general_1">
            <li class="pointer" ng-repeat="color in $ctrl.parameters.colors">
                <a href="#" 
                   ng-class="{'active': $ >= 0, 'colorOpen-content': color.code > 10}"                                  
                   ng-click="$ctrl.setParameter('colors', color.code.toString())" title="{{}}">
                    <div class="verticle_center"><span>{{color.label}}</span></div>
                <a><div class="verticle_center pointer colorbtn"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></div></a>

$('.colorbtn').click(function () {

    var child = $(this).children();
    if (child.hasClass('fa fa-plus'))
        child.removeClass('fa fa-plus').addClass('fa fa-minus');
        child.removeClass('fa fa-minus').addClass('fa fa-plus');

    return false;

Answer №1

Give this a shot


<div ng-class="{'active': $ >= 0}"
ng-style="{{color.code}} >= 10 ? {'display': 'hide !important'} : {'display': 'block !important'}"></div>


Answer №2

If you're looking to filter data in AngularJS, you can utilize the filter function. Here is an example of how you can achieve this:

var app = angular.module("app", []);

app.controller("MainCtrl", function($scope) {
  $scope.lt10 = true;
  $scope.colors = [{
      code: 1,
      name: 'red',
      label: 'Red'
      code: 2,
      name: 'blue',
      label: 'Blue'
      code: 30,
      name: 'green',
      label: 'Green'
      code: 40,
      name: 'yellow',
      label: 'Yellow'

  $scope.toggleShow = function() {
    $scope.lt10 = !$scope.lt10;

  $scope.setParameter = function() {


  $scope.myFilter = function(itm) {
    if ($scope.lt10 && itm.code < 10) return true;
    if (!$scope.lt10 && itm.code >= 10) return true;
    return false;

<html ng-app="app">

  <script src=""></script>

<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
  <div class="row py-3 border_bootom_1">
    <div class="col-lg-2 align-self-center">
      <h4 class="card-title"> Color </h4>
    <div class="col-lg-10 align-self-center">
      <ul class="ss_size_general ss_size_general_1">
        <li class="pointer" ng-repeat="color in colors|filter: myFilter">
          <a href="#" ng-class="{'active': $ >= 0, 'colorOpen-content': color.code > 10}" ng-click="setParameter('colors', color.code.toString())" title="{{}}">
            <div class="verticle_center"><span>{{color.label}}</span></div>
            <div ng-click="toggleShow()" ng-show="lt10" class="verticle_center pointer colorbtn">+ PLUS +</div>
            <div ng-click="toggleShow()" ng-show="!lt10" class="verticle_center pointer colorbtn">- MINUS -</div>



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