What is the best way to use HTML and CSS to center images and headings on a webpage?

This task is really testing my patience... I'm attempting to create a layout that resembles the following:



The horizontal lines flanking the subtitle serve as a visual guide, like this

--- Subtitle ---

Below is the snippet of HTML code in question:

     <a href="#">
     <img class="logo" src="#" alt="..."/></a>
 <div class="subtitle">
     <img class="1" src="#" width="60" height="1" alt="..."/>
     <h1>subtitle text</h1>
     <img class="2" src="#" width="60" height="1" alt="..."/>

I experimented with nesting the elements within another div and setting a percentage width for that div along with margin:0 auto;, but encountered an issue where enlarging text size in the browser causes the right image to jump to the next line.

Your guidance on this matter would be immensely appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

Consider placing the inline image tags inside the block h1 element and then customize the styling of the H1 tag like this:


 width: 100px; /* adjust width to your preference*/
 text-align: center;


    <img class="1" src="#" width="60" height="1" alt="..."/>
    subtitle text
    <img class="2" src="#" width="60" height="1" alt="..."/>

Example: http://jsfiddle.net/sujvM/ Note*: To see the images in jsfiddle, you may need to click on the run button.

Answer №2

To achieve this, you can apply the CSS properties display: inline and white-space: nowrap:

.title {
    text-align: center;
    white-space: nowrap;
.title h1 {
    display: inline;

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