Proper positioning of popover ensures it does not exceed the boundaries of its parent

In my ngprime table, the header row contains a column field with a popover set to display at the top. However, it is covering the actual field instead of appearing above it. This issue arises because the popover cannot display outside of its parent div, causing it to ignore the specified placement.

<th class ="popover_enabled text-center" [popover]="customPopup" container="body" placement="top">FieldName</th>

I have attempted to address this problem by adjusting the CSS styling:


While this solution works, it has unintended effects on other popovers due to them being generated elements. I have also tried setting the overflow property to visible in the parent div without success. Any suggestions for resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated, as I am currently stuck on how to proceed.

Answer №1

When it comes to tooltips, there is often a need to specify an anchor parameter for the tooltip element. One commonly used property for this purpose is appendTo, where setting the value to body is typically recommended.

According to the information provided in the documentation:

appendTo string The target element to which the overlay should be attached. Valid values include "body", "target", or a local ng-template variable of another element (Note: when using template variables, use brackets for binding, e.g. [appendTo]="mydiv" for a div element with #mydiv as the variable name).

<input type="text" pTooltip="Enter your username" appendTo="body">

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