How does the size of a font affect the amount of screen space a character occupies in pixels?

I am currently working on a custom user interface that requires precise measurement of how many pixels are taken up by a specific string of text.

My attempts to control the character size using the font-size property have been met with unexpected results. For example, when I set each of the three characters to be 25px in size within a div that is 75px wide, the text does not completely fill the div as anticipated.

<div style="font-size:25px; width:75px; background-color:green">Dog</div>
  1. Why is this happening?
  2. I need assistance in finding a method to ensure that the word "dog" fits perfectly within its containing div. Any recommendations?

Thank you!

Answer №1

font-size is responsible for determining the height of characters, not their width. In proportional fonts, each letter varies in width to suit its design (think of "W" and "i" as examples). To ensure consistent character width, opt for a monospaced font instead. Although less visually appealing for large amounts of text, they work well for individual words.

The appearance of fonts, even at a specified pixel size, can differ slightly among browsers or operating systems utilizing the same browser. This variability also applies to monospaced fonts.

It's unwise to rely solely on precise pixel measurements for UI elements unless working with bitmap images that give a predetermined size. Keep in mind factors like font resizing for readability; accommodating various reader preferences ensures better user experience. A flexible approach to UI design accounts for varying pixel sizes, screen resolutions, zoom levels, etc., when handling actual text content.

To delve deeper into this topic, refer to this informative article.

Answer №2

To achieve the desired width for your text, consider adjusting the font size until it fits perfectly within the space. As an artist with experience in typefacing, I can assure you that having all letters the same size may hinder proper flow, as highlighted by examples like W and i. Depending on your end goal, consider using "vw" or "vh" to size your text proportionately to the user's screen in order to maintain readability and aesthetics. Trust me, it makes a difference.

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