Tips for styling Ajax.ActionLink elements with CSS

Hi there, I'm trying to style a navigation bar using CSS. I'm pulling the navigation bar values from a database using Ajax.ActionLink. I attempted to use JavaScript but encountered an error stating

"jQuery is not defined",

Here's the code I have so far. Test_Section is my Model.

<table style="width:auto">    
    @foreach (Test_Section p in Model)
                <div id="ajaxnav" class="navbar-left">
                    <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-stacked">
                            @Ajax.ActionLink(p.SectionName, p.Title, new { id = p.StdSectionId , @class = "navigationLink"},
                   new AjaxOptions
                       UpdateTargetId = "getHtml",
                       InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
                       HttpMethod = "GET"
                   }, new { style = "color:#428bca" ,  @class = "navigationLink"  })



<script type="text/javascript">
    $('.navigationLink').click(function () {

I would appreciate any assistance with this issue. Thank you!

Answer №1

To ensure that jQuery is properly included in your application, you must reference it on your webpage. The error message jQuery is not defined or $ is not defined typically appears when jQuery has not been correctly added to your page. To resolve this issue, insert the following line before the <script> section in your code snippet:

<script src=""></script>

I hope this explanation proves helpful for you.

Answer №2

To activate the function, utilize .click within


Prior to that, ensure you have included the jquery script file in your HTML document.

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