Tips on adding conditional styles in Next.js

This is my attempt:

function ChangeStrokeToTextAndImage(properties: ChangeStrokeToTextAndImageProps) {
  return (
        styles.container0 + " " + properties.isLightGreenBackground == true
          ? styles.isLightGreenBackground
          : " "

If the condition applies, I want to apply styles.container0, and if

is true, then also apply styles.isLightGreenBackground.

The syntax seems correct, but for some reason the style is not being applied. Any idea why?

Answer №1

Enclose the conditional part in parentheses:

function Stroke2TextAndImage(props: Stroke2TextAndImageProps) {
  return (
        styles.container0 +
        " " +
        (props.isLightGreenBackground === true
          ? styles.isLightGreenBackground
          : " ")

Your current code will be interpreted as follows:

if(Boolean(styles.container0 + " " + props.isLightGreenBackground) === true) 
    " "

Here is a quick demonstration:

console.log('foo' + ' ' + 'bar' == true ? 'hey' : 'there') // 'there'

console.log('foo' + ' ' + ('bar' == true ? 'hey' : 'there')) // 'foo there'

For more information, please visit: Operator Precedence

Recommendation: Consider using a utility library like clsx or classnames if you encounter multiple similar cases to prevent potential issues in the future.

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