Which programming language is best suited for this task?

Seeking assistance with changing an image inside a div to another image with a simple mouse click. Wondering if this can be achieved through CSS or if jQuery would be the better option. Here is the code snippet:

    <div id="slideshow">    
<img class="one" src="img/TextSlide1.jpg" alt="Slide" id="slideShow" />

I have two additional images named TextSlide2.jpg and TextSlide 3.jpg

Appreciate any help in advance. Thank you!

Answer №1

Your question lacks effort, so I will provide a basic answer on how to change an image on click. One approach is to loop through an array of sources and display the next/previous image. Remember, the amount of effort put in is subjective.

 <div id="slideshow">    
    <img class="one" src="img/TextSlide1.jpg" alt="Slide" id="slideShow" />

$('#slideshow img').click(function() {
    $(this).attr('src', 'nextImage.png');


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