The div remains unchanged when the button is clicked

My webpage is filled with several large div elements.

There's a button on the page that, when clicked, should switch to the next div.

Despite my efforts, the code I've written doesn't seem to be working as expected. :(

This is the HTML structure:

<div class="tutorial">
    <p class="heading">Introduce Yourself</p>
    <div class="body">
                    <label for="full_name">What is your full name?</label>
                    <input type="text" name="full_name" id="full_name" placeholder="Full Name" />
                    <label for="about">Describe yourself:</label>
                    <textarea id="about" name="about" rows="5" cols="40" placeholder="Share your hobbies, interests, and more about yourself"></textarea>
                <td width="900px" height="60px"></td>
                    <button id="next" class="btn">Next</button>
<div class="tutorial hidden">
    <p class="heading">Introduction Continued</p>
    <div class="body">Body</div>
<div class="tutorial hidden">
    <p class="heading">More about You!</p>
    <div class="body">Body Content</div>
<div class="tutorial hidden">
    <p class="heading">Let's Explore More!</p>
    <div class="body">Content goes here</div>
<div class="tutorial hidden">
    <p class="heading">Fascinating Facts About You!</p>
    <div class="body">Interesting Content</div>

The JavaScript code:

$(function () {
    var tutorials = $("div.tutorial");
    var idNumber = 1;
    tutorials.each(function () {
        $(this).attr("id", idNumber);

    var nextButton = $("#next");

    $(nextButton).on('click', function () {
        var currentTutorial = $("div.tutorial").not(".hidden");
        var currentTutorialId = currentTutorial.prop("id");
        var nextTutorialId = currentTutorialId + 1;
        var nextDiv = null;
        if ($("div.tutorial").is("#" + nextTutorialId)) {
            nextDiv = $("div.tutorial");

CSS details have been excluded to keep it concise. :)

Desired Outcome: I aim to have the next button hide the current div and display the subsequent one in sequence.

Actions Taken So Far:

var currentTutorial = $("div.tutorial").not(".hidden");
var currentTutorialId = currentTutorial.prop("id");
var nextTutorialId = currentTutorialId + 1;
var nextDiv = null;
if ($("div.tutorial").is("#" + nextTutorialId)) {
    nextDiv = $("div.tutorial");

Answer №1

When trying to select by id, it appears that there are no id attributes for the .tutorial divs. However, you can utilize the next jQuery function to access the nextSibling of the current div instead. It is important to ensure that there is at least one div without the .hidden class initially.

For example:


It is recommended to remove the id from your buttons and opt for using a class, then adjust the selector for the click binding accordingly. As suggested by @koala_dev.

Answer №2

One way to navigate through elements in jQuery is by using the `prev()` and `next()` methods like so:

$(buttonNext).on('click', function () {
    var currentStep = $("div.step").not(".hidden");
    var currentStepId = currentStep.prop("id");


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