The largest contentful paint is anticipating an unidentified event

My website is encountering issues with Google Pagespeed and I'm unsure of the cause. The primary bottleneck appears to be the LCP time, which Google reports as taking between 7 and 11 seconds during each test.

Upon analyzing the waterfall chart, it is evident that everything above the fold loads quickly and remains static thereafter. Even when simulating a slower network speed on Chrome's performance tab, the content above the fold loads within 2 seconds. When examining the "View original trace" in Chrome with Lightspeed, there are no notable changes to the website after the initial load.

I have experimented by removing background images, web fonts, scripts, and all content below the fold, but these adjustments have had minimal impact on improving the LCP time.

Could someone provide insight into what Pagespeed is waiting for before registering the LCP as loaded?


I have stripped down my website to only include essential elements with CSS retained. Visit

Despite rendering everything in the first frame of the waterfall, I continue to receive a poor LCP score (2.9s) on Lighthouse tests.

Answer №1

What is the reason behind pagespeed waiting before LCP is loaded?

Running with "Fast 3G" and "4x CPU Slowdown" shows a similar time to Lighthouse's prediction. The hero image seems to be causing the LCP at 7 seconds.

Why are there discrepancies in results?

If you have "Disable Cache" unchecked on the "Network" tab, it might be running from a "warm cache," leading to different performance traces.

Keep in mind that Lighthouse always behaves as if it's the first visit to a page unless specified otherwise, so cached images and files are not taken into account.

Caching the image resulted in a 2-second LCP, matching your experience.

How can I align the performance profile with Lighthouse's perspective?

You may find this guide on running Lighthouse in the browser and aligning it with the performance profile useful.

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