The fuse-sidebar elements are not being properly highlighted by Introjs

I have recently developed an angular project that utilizes the fuse-sidebar component. Additionally, I am incorporating introjs into the project. While introjs is functioning properly, it does not highlight elements contained within the fuse-sidebar.

The issue becomes evident when comparing how elements inside and outside of the fuse-sidebar are highlighted:

In the above screenshot, elements inside the fuse-sidebar are not being highlighted as intended, unlike elements outside of it:

While there is a highlighter for the fuse elements, the actual element is not displayed in the highlighted area, similar to what can be observed in the second image depicting an element outside the fuse-sidebar.

I've reviewed the HTML code, which looks like this:

<div>other elements</div>

Initially, I tried setting the z-index of the fuse-sidebar to 1001 to match that of the div. However, this adjustment did not resolve the issue. What do you think could be causing this problem?

Answer №1

After encountering a CSS conflict, I discovered that the fuse-bar element was overriding certain styles:

-webkit-transform: translateX(0) !important;
transform: translateX(0) !important;

To resolve this issue, I needed to unset the transform property like so:

fuse-sidebar.locked-open.introjs-fixParent {
    -webkit-transform: unset !important;
    transform: unset !important;

Implementing this change successfully resolved my problem.

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